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Crisis 2 Christ

A Mission Field with the Bosveld Family


Ellis & Kristen Bosveld

In the wake of Hurricane Florence in Morehead City, NC, Ellis and Kristen met and later married on 2/22/22! Ellis was born and raised in Wisconsin. He came to NC with his church on a one week mission trip in order to help rebuild and share the gospel to people who were recovering after the devastation of the hurricane. After feeling God’s calling to join ReachGlobal Crisis Response, Ellis returned as adjunct staff and later joined as a full time missionary. Kristen was born and raised in North Carolina, but had recently moved to the coast with her daughter, Adeline, to be near family. Kristen has always been involved in mission work.

Through OneHarbor Church’s ReachWeek, Kristen and Ellis met which started a long friendship that flourished into a family! We have joined ReachGlobal Crisis Response as a couple and are excited to see what the future holds as our family serves together! Our family has added a fourth member, Jacob in June 2023, together we make up the Bosveld Family!


Where we’ve served

Midland, MI

Corpus Christi, TX

Houston, TX

Lake Charles, LA

Hazard, KY

Morehead City, NC


Fort Myers, FL


We’re on the move!

On average, our response sites move every 1-4 years which means we will be moving often.

The Latest

We remain in Morehead City after our Hurricane Florence (2018) site closed at the end of 2022. We have finished training and the onboarding process.

Where to next?

We travel to other sites around the US as needed and able, until we have our full support raised and are able to move permanently. We plan to move to Fort Myers, FL in Oct. of 2024.

What We Do

How we serve communities in crisis


We physically serve those in need

We use the opportunity created in the wake of crisis, to be the hands and feet of God's kingdom to build relationships. We serve with volunteers, local and those traveling for short term trips, in order to meet the physical needs of the community. We help to rebuild homes and lives on a solid foundation.


Meeting Spiritual needs

We choose to seek out those in crisis in hopes to strengthen and encourage those who already know Jesus. We want to meet those that don't know Jesus where they are at. We use the opportunity for relationship while we rebuild physically to hopefully make an enteral impact on the homeowners we serve. We do this though trauma care, powerful conversations, bible studies and introducing locals to a church. We do all of this to plant the seeds of faith in the communities lives.

Strengthening the Church Body

I love our sayings in the ministry, one being "we are not always the first to a crisis zone but we are often the last to leave." Our heart is to have long term impacts on an area in need. We move to a location when we have a long term church partner. We work with this local church to identify how they want to impact the community for gospel growth and how we can help them. The opportunity to help our brothers and sisters in Christ is why we are meant to be in community. We also hope to have the church we partner with come out healthier and more prosperous as we serve the community as an extension of their own church. We have time and time again also seen the impact these trips can have on those coming to serve. Our volunteers often come away changed. We pray this is a one week trip that impacts the remaining 51 weeks of their year. Not to mention the vast majority of our staff started off as a volunteer, Ellis included.

Take Action


To say it is easy to move away from family, especially with a new baby would be wrong. To give up worldly possessions, choosing to live a more simple and mobile lifestyle while moving into crisis zones is also hard. All of this while raising our own support to make sure we get a livable paycheck. Evil knows these trials and stress points and will try to use this, but we know we walk through these tough situation with you in prayer for us and with God, the ultimate father, guiding us. Please sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with our prayer and praises!


We would love to see you on a site working along side our staff being the hands and feet of the church. Crisis Response has several sites around the US if you would like more information you can reach out to us or find info on the Crisis Response website. We also offer trauma care training along with training to prepare your church locally or as a response church.


Right now this is particular important for us. We are in a support raising season. I (Ellis) raised my support as an individual upon joining the ministry. Once we decided to join as a family and for long term our support needs have more than doubled. We ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with us in the ministry God has called us to. We are making the final push to be supported by Oct. 1st 2024 and moved to Fort Myers, FL by the end of October.


Our Organization

When crisis strikes, we’re committed to physical and spiritual transformation, and we work to rebuild lives and communities by sharing the hope of Christ—all through the ministry of a local church.


Partner with us

We are eternally grateful to those that have already partnered with us. We ask that you prayerfully consider joining us in ministry as a monthly partner.

We are half way supported at the levels we need, our goal is to raise the needed support by year end.


Get in touch with us

You can email us at

We would love to hear from you!